What we offer

DTU Univ.

University Programs

Currently operating successfully in Delhi Technological University under the guidance of Applied Physics Department.
Cosmology Club of DTU offers three courses under the names- COSMOS 1.0, COSMOS 2.0 and COSMOS 3.0.
This series of Courses provide students with enough knowledge and passion to pursue higher education in the Astrophysics or Theoretical Physics.

Theoretical Part

Theoretical Part

  1. COSMOS 1.0
    Classical Mechanics, Special and General Relativity.
  2. COSMOS 2.0
    Statistical Mechanics, Cosmology and Black Holes.
  3. COSMOS 3.0
    Reading and Writing Phase.

School Classroom

School Programs

The School Programs are unique models that develop skills in Astronomy and Space Science through a curriculum based academic educational program, accompanied by workshops, outreach events, competitions, trips and projects.
Cosmology Club offers three Programs for School Students- COSMOS 1.0, COSMOS 2.0 and COSMOS 3.0.

School Program Details
Consultancy Image

Consultancy Services

Have an interest in Astronomy and Cosmology?
Confused about how to start and how to proceed?
Want to buy a Telescope?
Get in touch with us and get all your doubts cleared!


Want to buy a Telescope?
Not sure about what to go for?
Want to know about the equipment used in Astrophotography?
Get Advice from Astronomers and know which one suits you the most!

Theoretical Physics

Interested in pursuing Physics as a career?
Confused about where to start?
Get Advice from our Faculty Advisors and start today!

Star Trails

Fascinated about the Night Sky?
Wish to do night sky observations?
Then join us on our next trip and enjoy a Star Party!

Give us a on facebook